Dr. Posner has been sought out for his expertise to be a Co-Investigator or consultant on a number of VA, Foundation, and federally funded grants. A sample is below:
Treatments for Insomnia, Mediators, Moderators and Quality of Life. A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the relative efficacy and effectiveness of specific components of CBT-I
Co-Investigator, 1R01MH101468-01 Yesavage (PI) 08/20/13-05/31/18
Integrated Chronotherapy for Perinatal Anxiety. A pilot randomized controlled trial of integrated chronotherapy versus usual care for anxiety during the perinatal period.
Consultant, Seleni Foundation Sharky (PI) 5/1/2014-4/30/2016
Triple Chronotherapy for Perinatal Depression. A pilot randomized controlled trial of triple chronotherapy versus usual care for depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Co-Investigator, DBDAT Foundation Grant Sharkey (PI) 1/1/2014-8/31/2015
Increasing Sleep Duration: A Novel Approach to Weight. A study to develop an intervention to increase sleep duration in adults with insufficient sleep and then to examine the effect of the sleep intervention used alone or in combination with a weight loss program on sleep and on eating and exercise behaviors.
Co-Investigator, 1U01 CA150387-01 Wing (PI) 9/30/09-9/29/14
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. A study looking at the effectiveness of a CBT intervention for insomnia in a PTSD population.
Consultant, R34 MH077667-01A2 Neylan (PI) 03/01/08 - 02/28/11
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Alcohol Dependence. A study looking at the effectiveness of a CBT intervention on insomnia in a population of patients with alcohol dependence, and the effect on relapse of drinking.
Consultant; R21 AA014408 Arnedt (PI) 9/1/03-8/31/06