Donn Posner, PhD., CBSM, DBSM
Founder and President, Sleepwell Consultants
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine
Dr. Posner has over 30 years of clinical, research, and teaching experience in Behavioral Sleep Medicine. He logged over 20,000 hours of clinical time in Behavioral Sleep Medicine and has mentored hundreds of students, interns, fellows and professionals, many of whom have gone on to exceptional clinical and research sleep medicine careers and have become major academic opinion leaders in the field.
​Dr. Posner is one of the authors of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia: A Session-by-Session Guide (New York: Springer/Verlag). The book is intended for clinical trainees, and non-insomnia sleep specialists, as well as more experienced clinicians from outside the sleep medicine field, who wish to learn how to provide empirically validated cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia (CBT-I). The book has now been translated into Spanish, Italian, Korean, and Chinese.
Dr. Posner has run basic and advanced CBT-I workshops all around the United States, and internationally, and he continues to consult, teach, and work globally with individuals and organizations to serve the mission of educating the next generation of Behavioral Sleep Medicine scientist practitioners. As a result of his experience and scholarly activities, he has been regularly sought out for his clinical expertise, by clinicians, researchers, government agencies, healthcare organizations, and businesses.
Individual ConsultationIndividual BSM consultation allows the clinician to set up 30 and 60 minute meetings with Dr. Posner that can be tailored to their specific practice and case management issues. There are no set number of meetings. It is up to the clinician to set up as many meetings as they feel they require over any period of time. To download a contract, please click here. Return signed contracts to: dposner@sleepwellconsultants.com
Group ConsultationGroup BSM consultation allows the clinician to schedule sets of 4 meetings, 60 minute each, with Dr. Posner. The meetings can be set up weekly or monthly depending on the preference of group members. Topics will depend on what issues the group members bring to the meeting. In order to benefit from consultation in a group format, it requires a minimum of 2 members up to a maximum of 5 members. Those who are interested in group will be required to sign up for a set of 4 meetings, and can renew the subscription to the group at the end of each month. If you are interested in the group format, this can be achieved in one of two ways: Bring your own members to the group-Once you have enough members Dr. Posner can set a time for each meeting. Join a group that Dr. Posner creates as individuals request group sessions. Once there are enough requests from clinicians interested in group consulting, Dr. Posner will contact you to see if you are ready to start and agree to the time of the meeting. Please note that there may be a wait until enough individuals join who can meet at an agreed upon time. To download a contract, please click here. Return signed contracts to: dposner@sleepwellconsultants.com
Credentialing PackageThe credentialing package allows those clinicians interested in a DBSM credential from the Board of Behvioral Sleep Medicine to obtain the necessary number of consultation hours. As per the Board, 250 hours of BSM clinical experience under consultation are required for exam eligibility. In this way, a minimum of 7 hours of consultation will be required to fulfill this criterion. Those who sign up for the package of consultation meetings will derive a financial savings vs. setting up 7 individual consultation meetings ala carte. If the clinician desires further consultation, after the intial block of 7 meetings are completed, they are free to sign up for individual consultaion meetings ala carte at that point. To download a contract, please click here. Return signed contracts to: dposner@sleepwellconsultants.com